Page 27 - Anselmi Dissarono
P. 27

Cassata Siciliana

 A paste with the characteristic flavour of sheep ricotta
 and notes of citrus fruit, as the purest Sicilian tradition

 renowned all around the world requires, enhanced
 by a ripple of candied  fruit of the highest  quality:

 orange, citron, and lemon peel and whole candied
 Sicilian clementines.  Another recipe that rediscovers

 traditional flavours and is defined by the excellence
 and top quality of Anselmi’s ingredients.

 CODE  DESCRIPTION  grams of mix per kg  PACKAGING  SIZE
 214003AN  Cassata Siciliana Paste  125g  Tin  3 kg
 214103AN  Candied Fruit for Cassata  125g  Tin  3 kg
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32